Of Then and Now

He was but a child,
Shy and wary of the ways that be,
Cloaked within, a spirit wild,
That strove to be happy, strong and free!

She was but a child,
Coy and cute, tender she be,
A sweet smile, gentle and mild,
A heart so tender, yet strong to see!

And a day did dawn,
When loud was the bird and the bee,
As if all broke into life's joyous song,
Fairies danced in boundless glee!

A voice so very special to hear,
Like's Cupid's bolt from the very blue,
It was but barely whispered in the ear,
And yet in it he heard life's melody true!

Who has a say to His will,
Who dare knoweth the lay?
Alas! Like lines on the piece of twill,
They too went onto their own way!

Days to months, months to years,
Time treads on no matter what be,
An eon hath passed, and yet it was made,
For them to be, praise destiny!

And here he is, thankful for the call,
Amazed that he can even say,
To the one he's cherished most of all,
A very very happy birthday!